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Published: 2016-03-01

CohhCarnage Plays Far Cry: Primal - Episode 4


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Cohh Gives The New Far Cry A Try And Tames All The Things -- Watch live at

Playlist Can Be Found Here:


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Stream: 1

CohhCarnage Plays Far Cry: Primal - Episode 1
CohhCarnage Plays Far Cry: Primal - Episode 2
CohhCarnage Plays Far Cry: Primal - Episode 3
CohhCarnage Plays Far Cry: Primal - Episode 4
CohhCarnage Plays Far Cry: Primal - Episode 5
CohhCarnage Plays Far Cry: Primal - Episode 6
CohhCarnage Plays Far Cry: Primal - Episode 7
CohhCarnage Plays Far Cry: Primal - Episode 8
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Make sure this video has the "Chat Enabled" badge first! If not we'll mark this playlist for sooner rather than later Chat Enablement!

Likely the Video has a Edit point, that VodChat doesn't know about!

Either Barry gave it the wrong ID, or it's DLC and we need to use the DLC. Let us know the correct Game Name/DLC in the description