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Published: 2023-01-10

CohhCarnage Plays Neverwinter Nights 2 - Episode 5


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Cohh checks out Neverwinter Nights 2 to see what it has to offer. - Watch live at

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Neverwinter Nights 2

Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2) is a computer role-playing game set in the fantasy world of the Forgotten Realms, one of the popular campaign settings of Dungeons and Dragons. It takes the player from the tiniest of villages into a sweeping tale of danger and war, chronicling their rise from a peasant to a full-fledged hero of the Realms, defending it against one of the greatest threats of the age. Build a character that suits your style of play - good or evil, chaotic or lawful, with any number of skills, feats and professions available at the click of a button. Whether lobbing fireballs and researching forgotten spells as a powerful Wizard, hacking a trail through legions of orcs as a Fighter armed only with a battle axe and your courage, or taking on the role of a Rogue that can slip into the shadows at a moment's notice and take the purse from even the most perceptive of guardsmen. Choose your alignment, your allies, your companions, and how you want your character to develop... design the character you want, role-play the way you want, and carry the battle to the enemy. The design aspects of Neverwinter Nights 2 don't stop there, however. Past the campaign included with the game itself, Neverwinter Nights 2 also gives you all the tools you need to build your own modules, campaigns, and adventures for your friends - move buildings, terrain, script encounters, write dialogues, create quests and items - everything you need to create an epic adventure of your own is included in the toolset for you and any other worldbuilder to use.


Developer: Obsidian Entertainment

Developer: Aspyr Media

Publisher: Infogrames Entertainment

Publisher: Atari, Inc.


  • PC (Microsoft Windows)
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Make sure this video has the "Chat Enabled" badge first! If not we'll mark this playlist for sooner rather than later Chat Enablement!

Likely the Video has a Edit point, that VodChat doesn't know about!

Either Barry gave it the wrong ID, or it's DLC and we need to use the DLC. Let us know the correct Game Name/DLC in the description