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Published: 2020-08-15
CohhCarnage Plays Yakuza 6: The Song of Life - Episode 11
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Cohh jumps into Yakuza 6 to see what it has to offer. - Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/cohhcarnage
Yakuza 6 playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN39y5i_H0Fkby0PjBh_qTgsBclFsLonj
Yakuza 6 on PSN: https://store.playstation.com/en-ca/product/UP0177-CUSA09032_00-YAKUZA6SONGOFLEN
Yakuza 6 Official Site: https://yakuza.sega.com/
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#Yakuza6 #LetsPlay #CohhCarnage
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life
Step into Japan's criminal underworld in this explosive action brawler starring legendary yakuza, Kazuma Kiryu, who is hellbent on unraveling the truth around his daughter's tragic accident.
Developer: Ryū Ga Gotoku Studios
Publisher: Sega Games
Publisher: Sega
- PC (Microsoft Windows)
- PlayStation 4
- Xbox One