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The (beta) Ultimate "did Cohh play such and such?" list.

Games Cohh has played (that we have Playlists or First Play dates on file for), with links to playlists (if available), currently tracking 1225 games!

You can optionally filter the games by one genre and/or one theme.

Baring platform exclusives, Cohh will generally have played a given Title on PC, but we list all platforms that the Game is on. Note: we auto add Cohh's Epic Affiliate code (COHH) to all outbound Epic Links.


U - 1 Game

Box Art for Undertale

A small child falls into the Underground, where monsters have long been banished by humans and are hunting every human that they find. The player controls the child as they try to make it back to the Surface through hostile environments, all the while engaging with a turn-based combat system with puzzle-solving and bullet hell elements, as well as other unconventional game mechanics.

First Play: 2016/01/10
